Monday, 11 March 2013

Boursin Chicken Kievs

Monday is a funny old day, it is impossible to get up and you have to kiss the beautiful weekend goodbye, but it is also a fresh start, an opportunity to have an even better week than the one before.  I find that on Mondays I do all the things that in my mind an exceptional housewife does, I clean, I organise, I sit and give quality time to Millie playing games that will expand her in every way, I put great effort into our dinner and welcome my husband home with a percolator of coffee.  It doesn't matter that by Tuesday the house is in chaos and I recline in my pyjamas flicking through Pinterest whilst Millie stares at a wall...on Mondays I am virtuous.  Dinner on a Monday normally goes one of two ways, it is either very quick and easy pasta because I am so busy being domesticated, or I try out something new.

There is nothing ground breaking about this dinner, but there is something special about breaded chicken.  Its crispy on the outside and in the middle its the oozy, creamy, garlicy magic or Boursin.  All in all a great family meal that you can whip up when you have a second, and stick in the oven 40ish mintues before you want to eat, perfect.

Boursin Chicken Kievs

Chicken Breasts
Boursin cream cheese (I used light)
Wholemeal bread
1 Egg

Start by making your breadcrumbs in the food processor (I used 2 pieces of bread for 2 breasts)
Make a cavity in the chicken breast, as big as you can without going right through
Cram as much boursin in as you can manage (25g fit perfectly) and squeeze together tightly
Spray a baking sheet with spray oil
Beat an egg in a shallow bowl and carefully coat the chicken with the egg before dipping it into the breadcrumbs
Put your crumby chicken onto the baking sheet with the cut side up
Stick into a oven pre heated to about 180 -200 degrees for around 30 - 40 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
We had our with really crispy (well, burnt) home made potato wedges and green beans
We loved it, hope you do too!  Tomorrow we are having the extra fast and delicious king prawn linguini...get excited!

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